How Apple fairs the remainder of the week will inform the picture for short-term stocks.
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I think I’ve been able to restore more functionality to the blog following the infection by a worm that managed to cause considerable havoc. Newly registered members can now subscribe once again via the subscriptions button at the top of this page. There are a few more tweaks that need to be taken care of however, and if you run into any issues, please let me know.
The latest Case Shiller housing numbers are out. As usual, I’ve put them into helpful chart and table format. I’ll let people draw their own conclusions. It’s worth noting that there’s a fair amount of lag in the data. They report with a two month lag, but each monthly number is a three-month moving average.
click chart to enlarge
The blog is recovering from a rather nasty worm infection. Basic posting has returned, but it may be awhile before I get the subscription sign-up module back up and running. Thanks for your patience! Happy Holidays! Mine will be spent squashing web code bugs!