It’s Possible As of now, top tick on the S&P 500 occurred on the precise Spiral Calendar anniversary of the 1968 high - to the day! The potential exists for a major top in place now. click chart to enlarge click chart to enlarge Subscribe to see the rest of this post.
Visible Taper blah click chart to enlarge The FED's taper was supposed to begin in December. It's just now showing up in the Money Printing Pump chart. click chart to enlarge Weakening internals suggest some vulnerability here. Subscribe to see the rest of this post.
Final Push? One more push higher could set up a tremendous sell signal in U.S. stocks. Subscribe to see the rest of this post.
Happy Solistice The 2014 Summer Solstice finds stocks at or near all-time highs by many measures. Subscribe to see the rest of this post.
Metals’ Breakout The gold and silver rally is the story of the day. Subscribe to see the rest of this post.